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FF01 Irish Bouzouki GDAD Irish Tuning Chord Bible
2,520 Chords

FF13 Irish Bouzouki GDAE Mandolin-Style Tuning Chord Bible
1,728 Chords

FF09 Greek Bouzouki CFAD Standard Tuning
Chord Bible
1,728 Chords

FF29 Waldzither CGCEG Standard Tuning Chord Bible 1,728 Chords


FF21 Cittern Chord Bible: Fifths, Irish & Modal G Longscale Tunings
3,024 Chords

FF22 Portuguese Coimbra Guitar Tuning
1,728 Chords

FF25 Cittern Chord Bible: Fifths, Irish & Modal D Shortscale Tunings
3,024 Chords

FF24 Portuguese Lisboa Guitar Tuning
1,728 Chords

FF32 Laud Chord Bible: Standard Spanish Tuning 1,728 Chords

FFC09 Greek Bouzouki Chords In A Case: Standard Tuning 1,512 Chords

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